3D Laser Scanning
Cutting Edge Technology
CANEIL has conducted many different scans and analyses for the oil and gas industry, including multiple storage tanks, site overviews, and determination for suitability of continued operation of components damaged from a variety of causes.
The Importance
3D laser scanning is a valuable tool for the oil and gas industry. A 3D laser scanned model is used to provide asset management for industries to reduce down time and cost when it comes to planning maintenance, and replacement of equipment. Scanning a plant will cut down time in dangerous areas by gathering more information efficiently. It can also cut down on time spent on-site for planning and physical measurement. In addition, it provides real as built plant measurement with a high degree of precision.
It can aid in failure investigation where equipment can be scanned and saved in a database for later review. FEA analysis can then easily be conducted to do the level 3 (as per API-579-1/ASME FFS-1) analysis. Additionally, laser scanning provides additional information for FEA and modeling work, which would aid in analyzing real world scenarios on as-built models.
3D laser scanning can be used to quickly and accurately determine the measurements of large, complex structures. These measurements can then be used to conduct highly accurate assessments of any distortion or deformities and provide accurate results as to the suitability of the structure for continued service.