Risk Based Inspection Engineering

Prevention is always better

CANEIL boasts a skilled team of multidisciplinary Integrity Professionals with expertise in Mechanical, Structural, Chemical, and Materials Engineering, alongside proficiency in Non-Destructive Examination techniques, RBI methodology, and asset management tools like GE APM Meridium. This expertise enables us to identify and propose more efficient mitigation strategies, optimizing inspection methods and delivering a cost-effective program while ensuring the reliability and integrity of the equipment.

Benefits of RBI

The Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) program evaluates risk to determine the most effective inspection strategy, optimizing resource allocation while ensuring safe and reliable operation. Owner-users with a recognized RBI Program (RBIP) may also benefit from extended inspection and servicing intervals by their jurisdictional authority.

When properly implemented, RBI can reduce equipment failures and lower inspection costs. Achieving these outcomes requires assessments based on sound engineering principles, compliance with relevant codes, and adherence to jurisdictional and industry standards.

At CANEIL, our goal is to develop RBI programs that eliminate unnecessary inspections while maintaining our commitment to health and safety.

Key Elements

The foundation of any RBI program lies in risk analysis, which combines the probability of loss of containment with the consequence of that failure.

Probability is determined by modeling accumulated vessel damage based on identified damage mechanisms and deterioration rates from inspection data. Consequences are modeled by evaluating the potential impact on people, property, and the environment from a loss of containment. The Probability of Failure (POF) and Consequence of Failure (COF) are then integrated into a risk matrix to prioritize inspection planning and risk mitigation.

These assessments are typically classified as qualitative (judgment-based), quantitative (data-driven calculations), or semi-quantitative (a mix of both). CANEIL offers expertise in executing these assessments using established RBI methodologies, such as those outlined in API 581, and can apply quantitative, semi-quantitative, or qualitative approaches based on your needs.

To demonstrate how CANEIL uses RBI Engineering in its projects, below is a chart with brief descriptions of what can be a characteristic component for each risk level:


Any equipment exposed to a large amount of external factors such as harmful chemicals, extreme weather conditions or corrosion can be considered at a high risk. Ideally these kinds of equipment have their inspection intervals greatly increased and there are many precautions put in place to reduce the risk as much as possible.

Source: ehssafetynewsamerica.com


A pressure equipment will be considered at a medium-high risk when generally the combination of CoF and PoF results in a non-extreme outcome. For example, the probability of a failure happening is high but its consequence is very minimal or the Consequence is extreme but it is very unlikely that the event might take place.

Source: csb.gov


A pressure equipment will be considered at a medium risk when it is exposed to hazardous conditions but not to the extent of requiring frequent inspection intervals, and the consequences of failure would not be as catastrophic, but caution is still required.


Ideally all pressure equipment risk level should be in the low region. This ensures that the vessel can continue to function under the normal conditions as designed, and if needed, the inspection interval can even be increased to save downtime and in turn, reduce costs.

Source: cnasia.com

The CANEIL Difference

CANEIL relies on the experience of its inspectors and engineers to support our clients in transitioning to or operating with their RBI programs. Contact us to find out how we can help you in any of these areas:

CANEIL can help owner-users to establish Risk-Based Inspection Programs as part of their Integrity Management Systems, in accordance with industry practices and jurisdictional requirements.

CANEIL can support your move to an RBIP, providing engineers to review equipment design, operating data, inspection and repair histories. We can also provide personnel for planning and executing the pre-commissioning inspection.

A functional RBI team requires diverse talent on an ongoing basis. CANEIL can augment clients’ in-house personnel with additional team members to provide the required range of knowledge needed for effective RBI.

Following every major inspection effort, significant amounts of data become available, and with it the need to update risk assessments for each piece of equipment. CANEIL has a pool of experienced analysts that can take on this task, leaving your internal asset reliability staff free to focus on operations.

With deep insight into the impact that inspection can have on identifying deterioration mechanisms and reducing risk associated with uncertainty, CANEIL’s experts are well positioned to recommend inspection interval and scope changes to help you optimize your inspection program and maximize operating intervals.